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  • 9th December 2019
  • PET Machinery News

Why aren’t we promoting the environmental benefits generated by the PET industry?

Having been in the PET Industry for several decades, the team here at PET Machinery are starting to feel rather fed up of the scattergun approach of the media in vilifying all plastics. At the moment the climate crisis is high on everyone’s agenda and is something that the team at PET Machinery also feel strongly about. However, in an industry where consciousness around recycling is at the heart of what we do, it feels frustrating when a broad-brush stroke is applied to all plastics.

As a PET equipment specialist for the production of PET containers, we know the benefits that PET offers. This knowledge and experience are in fact, backed up with research that now suggests that PET is infinitely recyclable, generates up to 70% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than other packaging types, requires fewer fossil fuels to produce than aluminium cans, and costs less to transport than glass.
These are qualities that we should be promoting in the defence of the PET Industry, it is in fact one of the greener solutions for containers and packaging.

According to research undertaken by Amcor in the USA, 90% of the PET that goes into recycling bins gets recycled. You may be surprised to hear that only 49% of cans, 40% of glass and 16% of Tetra aseptic boxes get recycled.
So, the question is what else can we do to improve the post-consumer collection of PET plastic and increase its recycling rates further?
Together, the PET Industry needs to find a way to achieve these two objectives, then we will be far closer to being able to stand up and differentiate PET from some of the less “friendly” plastics that are out there.
And most importantly, in doing so we will be able to secure the future of our Industry.

If you would like to hear regular updates from us, latest Industry news and also details around the PET machines that we currently have to sell, then why not connect with us?

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