Tenemos más de 50 años de experiencia en fabricación y adquisición. Find Out More

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+34 676 986962

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Nos hemos convertido en los expertos de la industria PET al escuchar constantemente las necesidades de nuestros clientes y proporcionar los servicios que necesitan.

Porque la experiencia nos dice que en un mundo de fabricación en constante evolución, ser receptivo es más importante que nunca.

Echa un vistazo a lo que nuestros clientes y para tener tu opinión, simplemente rellena tus datos a continuación.

«I’d like to thank you again your excellent co-operation regarding to our recent purchase from you. We really appreciate your respond time and support in organising loading and documentation so I’m sure that we keep contact for the future as well.«
L Kovács
«I have finally received the container with the items last weekend, I am really glad and pleased with the excellent job you did packing it!«
F. Naranjo
«On behalf of Platinum Pro, I would like to give special thanks to the loading team. With high dedication to their job, the strong team has spent continuously 18 hours for loading 6 containers for shipping 2 Husky machines and all of their supporting equipment to Platinum Pro, Thailand.«
Platium Pro
«In sum, although the containers have arrived 1 day later than planned, the team’s overperformance can help us compensate the 1-day of lost time of waiting for the containers and eventually after 18 hours of working since the morning of 13 Mar, the loading job for the 6th container has finished around 1.00 am on Mar 14 and the last container truck has departed the factory.«
S. Sirintawat
«Thank you, we very much appreciate your assistance in the removal of our equipment and with the disconnection work done professionally it has made our job a lot easier on this end putting our machinery back together for commissioning.«
A. Nadeem


Si no ha encontrado la respuesta a lo que estaba buscando, póngase en contacto con nosotros y nuestro equipo estará encantado de ayudarle.
PET Machinery